Return Request(s)

To return an item please fill out this form completely.

Original Order Information

Order Number:
Order Date:
Ship To Name:
Phone Number:
Ship To Postal Code:

Item to be Returned

Item Number:
Item Description:

Reason for Return

Would You Like a Replacement?

Comments / Additional Information

Return Policy

In the event Buyer desires to return Equipment to Seller, Buyer must contact the Seller and obtain a Return Material Auhorization ("RMA") number. The request for return or exchange must include all serial numbers and in case if equipment was found defective, a valid manufacturer's trouble report number and information. No returns will be accepted without a valid RMA number. To be eligible for return or exchange, equipment must be unopened. No returns or exchanges are allowed after thirty (30) days from the shipping date. Shipping and handling charges are not refundable. Used, scratched or damaged equipment cannot be returned under any circumstances. Cables, enclosures, custome made products, and special order items cannot be returned.